i-wine.hk 13 (part 3 of 3 part tasting)

In this episode I taste through a few french reds and some champagne. Please provide feedback either on the site, youtube or my twitter @ Trobneville. Thanks - Rob

i-wine.hk 12 (South American Reds)

I taste through Chilean and Argentinian malbec, cabernet sauvignon syrah, merlot and carmenere found in Hong Kong in this part 2 of 3 tasting. Please give me feedback! - Rob

i-wine.hk 11 (part 1 of a 3 segment tasting)

The i-wine.hk blog is back!! Still can't find where the white retail in Hong Kong (or who brought them to the tasting). Please let me know if you know where to buy these or what they cost so I can share the info. The next two segments will be better but as always please give me feedback so I can improve the blog.

Yalumba Shiraz-viognier blend

on meds, tired and wasn't feeling it, so gave this wine another shot later. Still didn't like it

love the love!

video cut out, but thank you again for the support. Go Yankees!

Hilarious moments in LKF after Manu Liverpool game

what happens when rugby guys strawpedo 2 cases of smirnoff ice...well from 18-33 seconds a teammate of mine is licking an announcers face (at 2:10 I am taking this twitpic http://twitpic.com/mw7s8 (wearing white yankees hat in background)... but much better than that is what happens twice in the seconds after, performed by the same earlier teammate. The other idiots are friends as well! Too funny

Hong Kong winecast 9 (Annexx wine bar)

Drinking Whitehaven Sauvignon Blanc, Lizards of Oz Chardonnay, and Plunkett Pinot Noir at Annexx wine bar in Lan Kwai Fong, Hong Kong. Go check the Annexx out if you haven't been before. YES, I PAID FOR THE WINE I DRANK!!

Hong Kong winecast 8

schug pinot noir

Hong Kong winecast 7

A break from wine today and trying some beer at Lan Kwai Fong Beer Bar LKF, Hong Kong. Stay tuned for a video from the Annex soon (thursday?)

Hong Kong Winecast 6

Happy National day! Big thanks to Bruce Graham (twitter @energyskulls) for a 'feel good' compliment on yesterday's video. If you are interested in Wine and/or Hong Kong, give me some suggestions, I will listen!

Hong Kong winecast 5

2007 red rover pinot grigio from California Sierra Foothills (Murphys). Also a little falafel!

Hong Kong morning bus ride

Hong Kong Typhoon winds

Some of my clips from the winds the other night

Hong Kong Pacific Coffee hack

As always, please offer your feedback. Thank you!

sleepless in Hong Kong

Me, after several days without sleep, trying to get work done in Pacific Coffee. Fail. The worst part is it's now a full day later without a real sleep or nap and my body doesn't know how to fall asleep anymore. Just laying in bed awake...

Lan Kwai Fong

Seizure Warning!! Wandered around LKF for 20mins filming. Didn't come out like I hoped, but I think the disorientation gives it a more realistic feel...

twitter fail

Support the blog!

The more support I get for the blog, the more I will create new content, so please help out and spread the word on twitter throughout HK. Real website coming soon...

Giving away bottle of 2003 ridge Zin to a twitter follower?

* Tweet "@trobneville" on twitter today about this video to be eligible for the wine give away if I don't create a new video tomorrow. You must also be located in Hong Kong (so that I can deliver the bottle to you).

Video not related to wine

Thank you to the 8 of you who have been watching my videos. I didn't do one yesterday and won't do one today, so here is a freebie from a few years back. I'll keep this up as a placeholder until I put out a new winecast. Enjoy...

7-11 merlot and Pizzeria Italia

Found some 250ml bottle wines at 7-11 in Hong Kong and decided to try them with some pizza from Pizzeria Italia.

Funny wine buyer at tradeshow

Story of wine sales in China. Lots of talk, little action. (Also a peak at how low my Mandarin has fallen...)

My Hong Kong Crib

Well... it has nothing to do with wine, but thought I would throw a video up about something. New one on wine coming shortly.

China/HK Winecast 4

Drinking Chinese white and red wine from Changyu and Greatwall vineyards on flight from China to California. As always, I really appreciate the feedback you give me as it helps me improve!

China/HK winecast 3

I might not be getting better, but at least this one's shorter!! Please continue to give me feedback as I do listen to all of it, and it helps me make a better show for you. Thanks, Rob

China/HK winecast 2

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Winecast 2. Follow Up 1.

Thank you for the continued feedback on my winecasts. The best feedback I have recieved so far was from winecast one. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't watch through it. Ten minutes of my life I will never get back". I fully appreciate that level of criticism and I did my best to edit winecast #2 so that it would move faster. As a result, people have told me that I rush through the fruit on number two and do not spend enough time with it.

Let me iterate that the 10 or so minute fruit segment was edited down from a nearly two hour wine and fruit feastival. While a portion of what I cut out was tasting, spitting and chewing, most of the cuts were actually of me thinking! With most of the fruit I ate I really spent a great deal of time processing that flavor, then sipping wine, then searching for that flavor in the wine.

I am new to this, it is bad, but with your continued feedback, it should get better. I will try reduce the amount of content I put into one episode so that I can make episodes shorter, and focus on making the content more meaningful rather than appearing to push through it.

Thanks again for your support and criticism, Rob

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